


Faculty of Computer Science and Control Engineering, Shenzhen University of Advanced Technology Position Recruitment of Vice Dean






I. Faulty Introduction


Focusing on the forefront of world science and technology and respondingto major national strategic needs,the Faculty of Computer Science and Control Engineering serves the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and the information technology industry in Shenzhen, and practices the concept of "New Engineering". The Faculty practices the new engineering concept featuring "Computing +X", promote the reform of engineering education and cultivate international, innovative and inter-disciplinary talents. It aims to build a domestically first-class and world-renowned computer science and technology major within a decade, serving the strategic needs of the nation, industry, and local development, with dynamic optimization and distinctive features.


The Faculty of Computer Science and Control Engineering is currently dedicated to recruiting high-level overseas talent and has established a high-level, multi-disciplinary and internationally influential teaching team,more than 80% of whompossess overseas teaching and research experience.


The core team includes 4 overseas academicians, 8 national high-level talents, 1 national distinguished young scholar, 2 recipients of the National "May Day" Labor Medal, and 2 enjoying special allowances of the State Council.

学院现阶段研究工作成绩显著,承担的科研项目具有鲜明的学科交叉特点,近3年承担科研项目41项,总经费达1.4亿元,包括国家科技部项目8项,国家重大科研仪器研制项目1项,国自然重点4项,深圳市高层次人才团队项目2项等;近3年围绕人工智能、机器学习、数据挖掘、数据融合、生物信息、计算机系统结构、计算理论等基础理论和关键技术的研究成果发表发表论文537篇,文章发表在包括Nature Medicine、Nature Communications、Lancet Microbe、IEEE Transactions on Services Computing、ACM Computing Surveys、ACM SIGMOD、Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition等在内的顶尖学术期刊及会议上。此外荣获包括吴文俊人工智能二等奖、上海市技术发明一等奖、广东省科技进步一等奖、深圳市技术发明二等奖、深圳市科技进步二等奖等在内的多项科技奖励。

The current research in the Faculty has produced remarkable outputs. The ongoing research projects feature distinctive interdisciplinary collaboration and have excellent capabilities of output transformation. In the past 3 years, it has undertaken 41 research projects with a total funding of RMB 140 million, including 8 projects from the Ministry of Science and Technology, 1 national major research instrument development project, 4 key projects from the National Natural Science Foundation, 2 high-level talent team projects in Shenzhen, and more. In the past 3 years, the Faculty focuses on basic theories and key technologies such as artificial intelligence, machine learning, data mining, data fusion, biological information, computer system structure, and computing theory. Relevant articles have been published in top academic journals and conferences including Nature Medicine, Nature Machine Intelligence, Nature Communications, Lancet Microbe, VLDB, ICDE, LEEE Transactions on Services Computing, ACM Computing Surveys, ACM SIGMOD,Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, etc. Furthermore, it has won numerous scientific and technological awards, including the Second Prize of Wu Wenjun Artificial Intelligence, the First Prize of Shanghai Technical Invention, the First Prize of Guangdong Provincial Science and Technology Progress, the Second Prize of Shenzhen Technical Invention, and the Second Prize of Shenzhen Science and Technology Progress.


The Faculty currently has five departments: Department of Computer Science and Engineering,Department of Intelligent Science and Technology,Department of Robotics and Automation,Department of Electronic and Electrical Engineering, and Department of Computational Biology and Medical Big Data.


Faulty Website:https://csce.suat-sz.edu.cn/index.htm



II. Recruitment Position: Vice Dean


III. Job Responsibilities (specific duties will be determined upon assumption of the position)


Under the leadership of the Dean of the Facultyof Computer Science and Control Engineering:


1. Fully responsible for the undergraduate and graduate teaching work of the Faculty,enactingthe educational development strategy for the Faculty's related disciplinesand organizing the implementation thereof;


2. Promote the educational construction and teaching reform of the Faculty, innovate talent training models, improve the quality of talent training, and cultivate outstanding talents with international vision and extremely strong professional and vocational qualities;


3. Expand and promote joint training work for students with well-known universities and research institutions at home and abroad, and promote the cultivation of student entrepreneurial thinking;


4.Responsible for the Faculty's scientific research work, including the pursuit and management of research tasks, research ethics and safety management, etc.;responsible for industry-academia cooperation, promote cooperation with industries associated with the discipline, and serve the construction of the national and local life and health fields;


5. Other related tasks assignedby the university leadersand deanof the Faculty.


IV. Eligibility Requirements


1. Identify with the educational and construction philosophy of Shenzhen University of Advanced Technology;


2. Possessa Ph.D. in Computer Science or a related field;


3.Have many years of teaching and management experience, with a preference for those who have held relevant management positions such as vice-president, dean, academic dean, or department head at well-known universities at home and abroad;


4.Those who have obtained or are eligible for the tenure-track professor qualification are preferred;


5. Able to use Chinese and English as working languages;


6. Full-time on-site work.


V. Application Process


1. Personal Resume


2. Cover Letter


3. Statement of Future Work Vision (Research and Teaching)


Provide the following materialsafter preliminary review:


1. At least 3 letters of recommendation from experts in the related field;


2. Other important supporting materials such as professional titles, positions, honors, and award certificates.

申请人请将申请材料发送至yanjingjing@suat-sz.edu.cn ,并在邮件标题处注明“姓名-应聘岗位”。

Applicants are requested to send their application materials to yanjingjing@suat-sz.edu.cn, and indicate "Name - Position Applied For" in the email subject.


After the application materials have been preliminarily assessed, subsequent procedures such as interviews and assessments will be arranged with the least delay possible.


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